Hello all,
Well my penultimate week and i have been drastically trying to collect as much money as possible to go back with, as usual but with 10 times more haste! must confess that although i have been saving up all my money and have been working extremely hard i did have a bit of a spending spree this week, which was justified by the VERY weak £ and the fact that i am not going to be able to afford clothes in england for the next year so am forward planning as my dollars mean nothing at the moment!
I was working over the weekend so on Saturday i just worked and then had an early night so i was able to work on sunday as well. After work on sunday i went to my friend Annika's house which is right on the beach in a town called cotteslowe in Perth. It was the most amazing house i have ever seen, all very modern, with pool and a hot tub and i think 7 bedrooms... amazing... oh and it had 2 floors (for those of you who have been to Perth you will understand that most of the houses are just 1 floor!). Anyway i went there for dinner and then we went "pub crawling" to a few of the pub/night clubs on the water front. It was great fun and we were actually back at a very normal hour of 11, we felt like little girls who had been given a curfew! It was great to see her and great fun too!
On Monday my friend/work colleague Tim and I went shopping. I didnt buy anything on my list and Tim was very good at justifying me buying the clothes at what i thought to be ridiculous prices! He was there by my side converting everything into pounds to make me feel better about spending $60 on a top! This was again great fun... i havent been shopping in ages, and looks like i havent lost my touch for it!
Other than that i have just been working trying to save as much money as i possibly can while i am still here,i have to go shopping again before i leave and i have decided to do all my xmas shopping here as well...although i think it is a maximum of $10 per person as we are all quite broke and strapped for cash these days..but i think everyone will realise i am a travelling student in debt, as opposed to a rich world traveller!
So the ticket is booked and i am back in the UK on the 15th... i am very excited but i have had a great time here... its so close but So far all at the same time! I kind of just want to go back now as i feel that im already really done, im wrapping up at work and all these other boring things, and its all down hill from here. From now on (with the exception of shopping for the necessities!) i am just going to be working working working and trying not to spend any more money (haha...like that will actually happen!) and so there is nothing really from what i can see in the next couple of weeks to really look forward too!! But im nearly there!
Anyway, off i go to work...again!
hope all is well! xxx
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