Hi everyone, from a very tired Rachel...sorry about the late post...
well this week has been a good mix of wor and play! Since last thursday i have been working about 40 hours a week at both jobs, still both going very well, and i am enjoying them both... well as much as one could enjoy work! It is a good mix, as the cafe that i am working in seems to be quiet during the week, and getting slighlty busier on the weekends, but the burger bar seems to be booming in business and i am actually writing this haveing just come home from the cafe and abou to go off and work at the burger bar!
I was working all weekend, so not much going on then, however Josh, Sam and i did catch up with their dad, speedy and his partner Fran for dinner on sunday as he was in town, which was nice to do and was really great to see him! On monday Josh and I went to a huge festival in Perth called Park Life. It was an amazing day... the weather was amazing and seriously hot which was great and the day started at about 11 in the morning where we caught up with a few friends for drinks first. We got to the festival at about 2, and stayed there until about 12 that night. It was an amazing day with Dizzee rascal, plump DJ's, 2 Many DJ's, Goldfrapp (dont know how much that means to some of you?!) and many more and we were kept busy going to the different stages and moving our way through the crowd ofthey thought approx 20 000. It was an awesom day and i met loads of really nice people. Me and a friend also managed to blag our way into the VIP tent with our obvious wit and charm!! ... but ireally i think that they could just see we were meant to be VIP'S!!! ... I also met up with one of my dad's friends niece, annika, who was really nice and was great to meet her and we are planning to go out again, when i get some time off work!! I then had Tuesday off to recover, which was good planning on my side! However in the afternoon Gail (who im staying with) and i went to spend $250 each in a very expensive shop which we had won at a fashion event a couple of weeks ago. Although $250 sounds a lot it really isnt, well not here anyway! i managed to get 2 pieces of jewellery with $5 left over!!! ... oh well at least they are nice and they are sterling silver... so hey!
I am actually having quite a laid back week next week by the look of my rosta, as it is a girls last week at work and so they are giving her all the shifts, so i have next tuesday and saturday off which i will probably do nothing on as i need to save money and everything that requires me leaving the house seems to mean me spending huge amounts of money!!
Gail is off to Italy today for 20 days so, the boys and i are home alone and i have a strange feeling that i will be keeping them in towe and also cooking ot odd meal... i think i am being expected to clean and wash too... but thats just not going to happen so they may find themselves short of clothes for the next few weeks! ...But we are all working pretty hard at the moment, and Sam, the eldest is liek i am slightly strapped for cash at the moment too so i think we should be just fine!!
Anyway thats all for now as i am rushing off to work... will speak soon, hope everyoneis ok xxxx
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