dear all,
another thursday gone by and this week seems to have flown past!
I have had a slightly more interesting week so a little bit more to comment on! I have had a crazy week of work with over 50 hours this week and i am certainly feeling it now, my feet hurt and all i want to do is sleep!!! On Saturday night we were taken out by my boss for dinner as it was the girl i am replacings last night and to send her off we went out for a verynice meal and some champagne!! It was great fun and although not everyonem from work could manage to make it the important and nicest people where there! The food was great and so was the wine... yes i was drinking wine as i have not got the tolerance for champagne! I then went out with my friend tim from work, (who is great fun) and we went to a club in freo called metros. It was great however very expensive and we ended up leaving at about 2 as i had work early the next morning!
On Sunday i was invited a work friends house for dinner with the girl who was leaving for dinner and drinks. It was great and her husband who is a french/mauritian chef cooked for us which was a great treat to have a VERY VERY nice meal, for free!! It was real good fun and we ended up doing karaoke... well when i say we i mean me as i was the only one who was shameless enough to get up and sing... i am oficially the grease soundtrack guru!
So all good stuff so far... however i now have no car. Sam (my elder cousin) who is not meant to be driving anyway... got the ignition barrell locked and it had to be towed, of course being a european car that it is the part has to be flown in from europe and the cost is $900... so neither of us can afford that so i am now carless! One one hand it is luck that it happened now and not earlier on as i only have 6 more weeks left, but it does make getting to work in the evening very difficult! At the moment i am taking it one step at a time and seeing if i can make it there other ways (for example tonight i am borrowing a car) and it may just mean i have to do less shifts a week, which is finem seing as i am only doing a few for a bit of extra cash a week anyway. If that proves more difficult than its worth then i will just have to quit that job and stick to the cafe work. Its annoying but no-ones fault and coudnt have been helped, apparantly this type of thing just happens to old cars, but as i said before neither sam or i have the ability to pay it at the moment.
Speedy was over from port headland, in transit from melbourn for a few days too which was great to see him and we went out for thai which was also good!! ... ive just noticed that all my ventures have something to do with food... hmmmm.... it was nice to see him and have been seeing quite a lot of him lately!
Well next week is Ben's bday and i cant believe im not there for it, but have already sent the present like the good older sister i am... cant believe i was organised enough to do it, but apparantly i am!
anyway off to work... so thats all from me for now! Hope all is well with everyone... leave comments!!!
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