Im not sure about my status here - obviously i will be staying for now but i am not sure whether i will be coming back as late as i said, the life is great here - but i seem to be spending much more than i can afford to do - all in a days life of a student hey?!!?! But hopefully when i get this other job it will be fine. The boys im living with are pretty big party animals and i have realised that i just cant afford to go out as much of them, but i am still making sure that i get plent of play for the amount im working!! Perth really isnt that much of a "happening" place and like someone i know visited here said ... its a great place to come back to at 50 and retire but for students... not so great, so in one mind i am asking myself what is holding me here instead of going somewhere else or even back to the Uk, but i have kind of figured that if i can stick it out until november so another month maybe 2 then i will have made a bit more money and then i can come back... for now it would almost be a waste me leaving. As you may have noticed the homesickness started to really settle this week, especially as at the beginnign of the week i was ill and all you want to do when you are ill and bed ridden is to be at home where no one cares if you stay in your pyjamas all day... but i am better now and also feeling a little better - home sickness wise. I have made a deal with myself that i stay definately until October and we see how it goes from there.
My other 2nd cousin something removed is down from the north of the country this week so we are going out with him this weekend and then out for lunch on Sunday for his mum, phillipas birthday, so that is something to look forward to! ... At the moment i really am not doing much travelling so knowing what to write about is hard, if anything major has happened i try and jot it down as the week goes by but...well this is why im afraid the blog has not got amazing adventure stories just yet!!! if there is anything that you want to know about more then just leave a comment and i will do my best to let you know as much as i can!
The picture above is taken from a park in Perth looking over the city... just to give you an idea of where i am staying! I cant bput all my photos up buthave tried to choose a select few to sum up the weeks but hopefully wiht more exciting adventures due there will be more exciting photos to put up!!!
Anyway i miss everyone and hope all are well
lots of love rachel....xxxxx
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